Precautionary Guidelines

Take precautionary actions to reduce impact

For these substances and for materials which are harmful to or may have impact on human health and environmental resources, we eliminate their use in the design stage after assessment. Moreover, we seek to go beyond legislated mandates; for example, we eliminate or restrict the use of materials in our products and processes that may threaten human health even though the materials have not been proven harmful to human health or have not been restricted by laws.
Note: We implement precautionary actions to collect potential environmental impact information of substances. The resources drawn on include current scientific research, vendors, customers, international treaties and conventions, legislation, non-governmental organizations, recyclers, and our own internal laboratory test results.

Hazardous substances substitution principle

Achieve zero hazardous substance by the substitution principle

By reviewing hazardous substances warranty letters, component composition tables or MSDS, and third party test reports provided by suppliers, we assess and make sure replacement materials are ideally non-hazardous or less hazardous than the material that needs to be phased out. The candidate component can then be approved and used in Pegatron products.

Manufacturing process controls

Minimize material quantity and eliminate gas emissions

To minimize material usage, we have been seeking solutions to use less material and more durable and less toxic materials in our manufacturing processes. To minimize toxic air emissions, we restrict and eliminate the use of chemicals and materials in our manufacturing processes.

Extended Product Life Cycle Design

Meet extended product life cycle responsibility

In order to extend product life cycles, we use components that are durable, replaceable and compatible. We also consider the design of the product that it must be easily recycled and reused at the end of its life. Components should be easily disassembled and reused. When the product reaches the end of its life, it should be easily disassembled to reduce time and manpower.

Packaging Design

Promote green packaging to reduce impact

We care about resource conservation, reusability and recyclability and take this into account during packaging design, including minimizing the environmental impact of packaging materials, manufacturing processes and the final disposal of no longer needed packaging materials.
Pegatron’s aim is to use environmentally-friendly materials. For example, the content of heavy metals in packaging materials should be fully compliant with the green requirements. More than 90% of packaging materials are made from recycled materials. Some of the details on the packaging designs are as below:
-Reduction in materials used
1. Decrease padding material structure as well as overall carton weight.
2. Modify package stacking method to increase shipment volumes.

-Environmental considerations
1. Use renewable raw materials.
2. Use bottom separators to substitute for polyurethane (PU) foam materials.
3. Prohibit the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
4. Try to only use single color packaging materials to facilitate material recycling.
5. Comprehensive restriction on lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and hexavalent chromium (Cr6+ ) concentrations in packaging materials to comply with EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.